Workflow Video

With the addition of an app and software upgrades, ClearCorrect’s new workflow was more powerful than ever and it needed a powerful video. I created the video from beginning to end, including storyboarding, animations, and editing.

Programs: Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere Pro

The Problem

ClearCorrect had once again updated its digital offerings and the workflow had improved. Customers could now scan a patient’s teeth, take patient photos, and easily upload them to the Doctor Portal. Then they could finish the treatment in ClearPilot. This workflow was new and needed an exciting way to be explained to customers.

Main graphic process

The Solution

We determined that a video would best highlight our new offerings, allowing us to visually present each feature rather than merely describing them.

I started by creating the "User Journey" graphic, which laid the foundation for the entire video. I mapped out a storyboard, gathered footage, produced animations, and seamlessly edited it all together. Since the workflow is straightforward, the video process is as well.

Particularly, I enjoyed designing the Sync App animation and text motion designs.



Made at ClearCorrect

Design: Ariel Elliott
Editing: Ariel Elliott
Art Direction: Ariel Elliott, Zach Kimmel


Partnership Campaign


ClearCorrect Website